
Fill the form to have more information on Studio Amica, know more about our services and solutions or to become our partner.

According to European Law on Data Security (Art. 13, European Regula9on 2016/679), the User acknowledges that Studio AMICA s.r.l. commits to processing the User’s personal data provided in this contact form according to principles of fairness, legimacy and transparency and protec9on of privacy. The User is informed that the data collected by compila9on of the contact form will be processed with the sole purpose of contac9ng or proposing soVware solu9ons that may be of whichever u9lity for the User. The data will be processed with digital instruments in compliance with the adequate privacy measures pursuant to art. 5 leY. F GDPR. The holder of the treatment is: Studio AMICA s.r.l. - Via Giordano, 56 - 72025 San Donaci. The User can in any moment turn to the holder of the treatment in order to exercise his or her rights as provided under Ar9cles 15 to 22 and art. 24 GDPR. The Italian na9onal supervisory authority for the maYers of personal data protec9on is the Personal Data Protec9on Supervisor to whom the User has the right to lodge a complaint at any moment.






Fill the form

We will contact you back within the next 24 hours to know more about you and your business, and to understand together how our solutions can meet your needs.

Compila il forma 

Ti ricontatteremo nel giro di 24 ore per sapere di più di te, del tuo business e capire insieme come le nostre soluzioni possono venirti incontro

According to European Law on Data Security (Art. 13, European Regula9on 2016/679), the User acknowledges that Studio AMICA s.r.l. commits to processing the User’s personal data provided in this contact form according to principles of fairness, legimacy and transparency and protec9on of privacy. The User is informed that the data collected by compila9on of the contact form will be processed with the sole purpose of contac9ng or proposing soVware solu9ons that may be of whichever u9lity for the User. The data will be processed with digital instruments in compliance with the adequate privacy measures pursuant to art. 5 leY. F GDPR. The holder of the treatment is: Studio AMICA s.r.l. - Via Giordano, 56 - 72025 San Donaci. The User can in any moment turn to the holder of the treatment in order to exercise his or her rights as provided under Ar9cles 15 to 22 and art. 24 GDPR. The Italian na9onal supervisory authority for the maYers of personal data protec9on is the Personal Data Protec9on Supervisor to whom the User has the right to lodge a complaint at any moment.
