The perfect solution for any company’s tender office. With PROCURE+, it will be possible to look for public calls and tenders in an intuitive, simple and quick way. A solution suitable to all realities and budgets.

Research calls for tender

Procure+ is the solution for public calls’ research. One single platform giving you access to all open tenders launched on TUTTOGARE PA platform, MEPA platform and many others.

Research calls for tender

Procure+ is the solution for public calls’ research. One single platform giving you access to all open tenders launched on TUTTOGARE PA platform, MEPA platform and many others.

Access to TUTTOGARE PA’s contracting authorities

Access to all calls for tender open on the over 1500 contracting authorities of the e-procurement platform TUTTOGARE PA. The research of the tender can be made through Community CPV, geographical area or keyword.

You will never lose Calls for Tender again

Not only TUTTOGARE PA: as a matter of fact, PROCURE+ is integrated with other databases, among which: MIT (Italian Ministery of Infrastructures and Transports), MEPA and InfoCamere

Here is what opportunities Procure+ can offer:

  • Highlights all the contracting authorities using TUTTOGARE PA and their related invitations to tender
  • Ministerial tenders’ database (SCP – Public Contracts Service)
  • Access to Italian MEPA (Public Administration Electronic Market)
  • Visibility of European tenders

Register now at the price of 150€ per year.




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