Our Products


Solutions, software and web-based applications for Public Administrations and Companies. Products to facilitate your digitalization process, integrating with your own working habits and third-party software.

E -Procurement

E-Procurement services for Public Administrations and Companies. Round solutions for the sales department. Consulting and supporting in the procurement field, purchasing platforms and possibility of tender outsourcing.

Digital Marketing Solutions

We build the digital image of your company. We develop a digital strategy that will catch visitors and convert them in potential clients. Definition of SEO, SEM, Social Media Marketing and E-mail marketing strategies.

Digital Marketing Solutions

We build the digital image of your company. We develop a digital strategy that will catch visitors and convert them in potential clients. Definition of SEO, SEM, Social Media Marketing and E-mail marketing strategies.

Software Development

Ad-hoc software design based on the specific needs of the client (software custom), or activation of already-made products and ready to use.
