Software Development
We provide a range of already-made software following the market’s needs. Thanks to the experience of our experts, each software can be personalized and adapted to the institution or company in question. And if you need a software which is suitable to your needs only, our developers will create it ad-hoc for you.
Whistleblowing software compliant with Law 179/2017 in matters of PA’s systems to report violations. The software allows reporting of offenses while respecting ANAC guidelines and keeping the whistle-blower anonymous.
It is the ideal platform for the management of telematic competitive exams. The software guarantees the end-to-end management of public competitions: from the collection of the applications, shifting to the telematic administration of tests, up to the presentation of results.
It is the ideal platform for the management of telematic competitive exams. The software guarantees the end-to-end management of public competitions: from the collection of the applications, shifting to the telematic administration of tests, up to the presentation of results.
Sales Rules
The CRM platform following your leads’ life cycles from the first contact until their conversion into clients. What enriches the CRM is also the post-sell module in which you will evaluate the subsequent stages as well.
Sportello PA
The software that connects citizens and PA by giving a simple method of organization for the different offices and their relationship with the citizens, thus avoiding queues and crowds.
Sportello PA
The software that connects citizens and PA by giving a simple method of organization for the different offices and their relationship with the citizens, thus avoiding queues and crowds.
Trasparenza PA
The software allows the automatic publication, on a specific online section of the institution’s website, of all the documents and information as provided by the Legislative Decree 33/2013 concerning the PA’s transparency.

Personalized Software Development
If our suite’s software does not meet your needs, we will create an ad-hoc software based on your necessities and goals.
Personalized software development
If our suite’s software does not meet your needs, we will create an ad-hoc software based on your necessities and goals.