
The software thought for reporting violations. This software allows public institutions and companies to comply with the Law 179/2017. Fundamental characteristic of the software is the guarantee of the whistle-blower’s anonymity.

Reporting of violations

On November 15th, 2017 the Chamber of Deputies definitely approved the so-called “DDL Whistleblowing” – “Dispositions for the safeguard of the authors of reports regarding crimes or offenses that have been discovered within the environment of a public or private work” that introduced in the 231/01 the OBLIGATION to adopt a Whistleblowing instrument.

Reporting of violations

On November 15th, 2017 the Chamber of Deputies definitely approved the so-called “DDL Whistleblowing” – “Dispositions for the safeguard of the authors of reports regarding crimes or offenses that have been discovered within the environment of a public or private work” that introduced in the 231/01 the OBLIGATION to adopt a Whistleblowing instrument.

Anonymous reporting

The whistle-blower can access the web application autonomously and anonymously. After the access, the process envisages the compilation of a guided questionnaire allowing to detail the report.

Revelation and identity

Once the report is sent, the system provides the whistle-blower with an identificatory code useful for the next accesses and the verification of the advancement stages of the report.

Encryption by pair of keys

All the transmitted data envisage encryption by pair of keys, thus making communications even more protected and safeguarded.

Compliance with ANAC guidelines

The software is compliant with ANAC Guidelines as for the Determination n. 6/2015 and of the laws on the protection of personal data compliant with GDPR 2018


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